
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My 3 Month Old!

Thanks for all of your comments yesterday! I really appreciated each and every one of them. I was a little concerned that a few of you might be worried about my current mental state. So, just to reassure everyone...I'm fine, :). I fully recovered after that horrible night, otherwise, I don't think I could've ever shared that story.

Anyway, today I only want to stick to happy, positive, uplifiting things! My baby boy is 3 months old today! Actually, he is exactly 13 weeks, but since there was no February 30, we are counting it as his 3 month birthday, too.

I can't believe how quickly 3 months has flown by! Everyone has told me...enjoy every moment because it goes by so fast. At first I would just nod and smile, but man were they right! It seems like just yesterday I was bringing my sweet boy home from the hospital. My how he has changed!

He is growing steadily. At his 2 month check up he was 22 inches long and weighed 9 lbs. 15 oz., but I know he has grown so much since then. He has his 4 month check up at the end of this month, and I can't wait to see how much he has "officially" grown.  Most of his 0-3 month clothes are getting too small, so he is mostly wearing 3 month or 3-6 month outfits. I get a little sad every time I have to pack away an outfit that is too small. However, I also get excited each time we get out his new, big boy outfits he hasn't worn yet.

The past month has been full of big changes. He is becoming stronger and more alert every day. He mastered the art of rolling from tummy to back and is SO close to rolling from back to tummy. He has also become quite the talker and loves to lay in his play gym and talk to his "friends." Although he is still very serious, I love it when he gives me one of his sweet smiles, and we've even had a few little giggles here and there.

He eats about every 3 hours during the day, and with the exception of the past couple weeks, he sleeps really well at night. On a side note, we have been letting him cry it out when he wakes up in the middle of the night, and there has been less crying every night. I'm thinking we'll see no crying very soon!

I love my boy more than words can express. I tell him every day that he is the best baby I know and the cutest baby I've ever seen. His smiles can melt my heart, and I could snuggle with him all day long. It is such a blessing to be a mommy, and I really am trying to enjoy every moment. I am beginning to understand that it really does go by way too fast!

So, in honor of my boy's 3 month birthday, here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure!

1 comment:

  1. wow, how's he's changed in the last couple of weeks...I remember you telling me he couldn't sit up in his exersaucer... Now look at him!
